While researching what it takes to franchise your business no doubt you are coming across lots of information and something about a Franchise Disclosure Document, also called an FDD. When searching the Internet, it can be hard to tell what is fact and what is opinion. No doubt you are running into conflicting information.
Well, our intention is to make your quest for answers EASY. We are very transparent (learn about us and how we were recognized by the BBB for our transparency, integrity and ethics in the marketplace) and believe you should know what you are getting into with no surprises. You probably have tons of questions and we have tons of answers!
So no need to be nervous, it is not like you are going the doctor's office (which by the way we have franchised medical clinics and this is a real picture of one).
If you are a reader, below are some basic questions and answers about franchising and the FDD we hope you will find helpful.
We do not expect this will completely answer all your questions so when you are ready to chat, give us a call and we will be happy to talk you through the steps to franchise and answer your more specific questions.Get Started!
The franchise disclosure document is a package that you need in
order to even start franchising and we understand it can get confusing. This document outlines the responsiblities between you and your future franchisees (basically a roadmap of the entire relationship). In 2005 our President, Dave set out to create
a process that makes it easy and as unintrusive as possible for business owners, like you, to not
only have this package prepared but to have it completed where we do all the heavy lifting while also understanding every aspect of it.
That’s right, it
is not about reverse delegation (for example giving you a questionnaire to fill out) or trying
to fit a square into a circle (in other words it is not one size fits all). Nope, its about a
collaborative effort where you are involved every step of the way. Does this mean your time will
be hijacked? Not at all.
With our proprietary franchise development program we will create a custom
franchise program with you for about an hour a week (learn more about true franchise development services). We are old school and actually talk with you
one-on-one about your business learning more about it and what is important to you as we build the
framework for your franchise relationship. Nothing is automated and with us you will
not be tossed around to various people when it comes to creating your franchise program.
Now let's get to your questions!