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You are on an extension of our main website. The Franchise Maker is a franchise development company that takes businesses who want grow and we franchise them all over the United States. We focus on franchise development only, we do not sell franchises or have any hidden agendas to make money off your success. We are a flat fee for service business, it is that simple. The Franchise Maker is led by David R. Waldman who, prior to starting The Franchise Maker in 2005, has spent over seventeen years working for large service-based franchise organizations. As a franchise developer, he is passionate about franchising and will take you through an affordable, step-by-step process to franchise your business. Beyond the initial franchise development, we will continue to provide support and resources to you as you evolve into your role as a franchisor.
So we invite you to explore our Learning Center. There are over 150+ articles on various topics related to franchising your business. If there is a topic that you do not see in the list of articles below OR on the side panel please type in the search bar a few words describing your topic and BAM like magic a couple articles will pop up. If there is a topic you cannot find and you are hungry for answers, please call us at 877-615-5177 and we will be happy to answer all your questions. GET STARTED!
Articles on Franchising Your Business…
Does Making a Franchise and Franchise Sales Go Hand in Hand
When looking to franchise your business you might wonder if making a franchise and franchise sales go hand in hand. There is a lot of confusion floating around out there about what it takes to make a franchise compared to … [ Read More...]
Franchising a Service Business
service business franchising If you are like most service businesses you not only survived but thrived during the pandemic. Now perhaps you are looking at the future and wondering what is the next step. You have been super … [ Read More...]
Franchise Consulting Companies Who Are They?
Franchising has long been regarded as a gateway to entrepreneurship, offering people from all walks of life the opportunity to own and operate their own business under the umbrella of an established brand. However, for many … [ Read More...]
How to Research Companies That Do Franchising
You are serious about wanting to franchise your business and so you start doing your research on companies that do franchising. You are not sure who to trust or what to believe. There are so many companies that you come … [ Read More...]
What is the Process to Franchise My Own Business?
You have worked hard to start your business, build a name for yourself and provide a level of service that keeps people coming back. Your business has become increasingly popular and people are seeking you out to experience … [ Read More...]
How to Start Franchising Your Restaurant
Have you ever wondered how to start franchising your restaurant and where to begin? The idea of growing your restaurant through franchising can be thrilling, but it requires careful consideration and evaluation. So to get … [ Read More...]
What is The Biggest Risk to Franchising a Business?
In the fast-paced world of business, franchising has always been a popular way for someone like yourself looking to scale business operations. However, amidst the excitement of growth and profit potential, there lies a … [ Read More...]
Financial Performance Representations vs Audited Financial Statements
The franchise development process makes mention of two financial concepts: Audited Financial Statements and Financial Performance Representations. Often times these two topics lead to confusion. Audited Financial Statements … [ Read More...]
How Much Money Can I Make Franchising My Business
When thinking about franchising your business you probably have lots of questions. One question we sometimes get when talking with people about franchising is, "How much money I can make franchising?" Let's tackle this … [ Read More...]
Things to Do Before Franchising Your Idea
You are super excited because you have a great idea for a business. You believe that your idea is revolutionary and may even be a paradigm shift. You have researched your idea and realize it is something no one else has ever … [ Read More...]