The internet, it can be a powerful tool to find answers and yet can easily bombard you with so much information it will make your head spin. If you are reading this article then more than likely you are seeking answers and a solution for how to make a franchise out of your business.
You have been on the internet, you have done various searches, clicked various websites and you have really just come to the conclusion that it is hard to know who to trust. You may be saying to yourself, “I really just want someone to make a franchise for me. I’m not interested in gimmicks and I’m not interested in falling prey to any scams”.
When it comes to franchising a business and how to franchise no doubt it takes someone with skill, experience, and knowledge and really it is a specialty. But as you look on the internet you see all kinds of strange things. Companies that claim to offer franchise development services but as you start to peel the onion back you realize that’s not what they really do and there is a hidden agenda (read “Know the Difference between a Franchise Advisor, Consultant & Broker?”). Soon the term “franchise development services” starts to confuse you and what you thought you originally needed becomes complicated.
What is Franchise Development Really Mean
Maybe what has driven you to do an internet search in the first place is that some company cold-called you or solicited you by email claiming to be “opportunity agents”. They positioned themselves as experts in franchise development who have “identified your business as a great franchise opportunity”.
They stroked your ego and got you pumped up, but ultimately when the smoke cleared and common sense prevailed you stopped to think about it and realized, “Wait a minute, I’m being solicited!” And so it then created doubt in your mind. How could this company, who is calling me blindly and has never been to my business, be so confident that it makes sense for me to franchise? What is their end game? Regardless of these “opportunity agents” you now have franchising on your mind, decided to do a bit more research and that is what led you to the internet.
As you are seeking answers about franchising your business such as the process, the cost, and how long it takes (check out the steps to franchise) you find yourself exposed to so many different companies. When talking with these companies you may hear from them that they are “experts” in franchise development because they took their own business and franchised it years ago. They tout how successful their franchising efforts were and so that led them to start offering the services to franchise other businesses.
Often times these companies misrepresent the date they started offering franchise development services (take a look at “What are Franchise Development Services Let’s Clear the Smoke“) with the date they actually started operating their own business (the one they took to franchise years ago) to make you think they have been offering franchise development services for a long time. But you are on top of it and it does not take you long to realize such discrepancies in their story which makes you now question this company and come to the conclusion that they are nothing more than a bunch of smoke and mirrors (learn about us and our history without the smoke and mirrors).
Time to Investigate
Then it hits you, “Wait a minute…what ever happened to their own business that they say they franchised? What happened to it?” We encourage you to make sure to investigate such a business that was franchised to see if it is even still around. And if not, research to find out WHY it’s no longer around.
And when we say research, we don’t mean simply asking what happened. Find out for yourself and seek answers that can be validated (check out “What to Look for in a Franchise Development Company”). If you are unable to get clarity as to what really happened to their own franchise business then you really need to ask yourself if you really want that type of talent to help structure your franchise program.
Then in your research you run across a different type of company. A company that already offers franchises and they are legitimate. They have franchises under their umbrella and have verifiable locations all over. They say to you, “Come on board with us little Johnny! We will bring you in as part of our family. We will help you”. But what they are really saying is, “Come on little Johnny, let us take over your business. Give us equity. We need your help to support our own infrastructure because we have gotten too big and are not able to handle it ourselves. So in order to satisfy our shareholders, grow and support our own infrastructure we need to roll you into brand” (for more things to be aware of read “Uncovering the Truth about Franchising”).
Again your ego is being stroked, but think about it, if you are like most business owners you take pride in the fact that you have built your business yourself without help and without having to answer to anyone else. So why now give up everything you have worked so hard to create? The reality is these companies are more interested in satisfying their shareholders because their program is stagnant and they need to figure out some way to put their existing staff to use.
Ask yourself, are they really franchise development experts or have they simply polished the franchise sales process (because you realize the person you have been talking with all along is a franchise salesperson).
Cut Through the BS
Yes, the internet can be helpful yet confusing all at once. When looking for someone to help you franchise your business, be mindful. Don’t fall prey to unsolicited phone calls, emails, fast-talking franchise sales people or companies who have experienced success with their brand and are looking for ways to diversify at your expense.
Check us out. You will find that The Franchise Maker is a bona fide franchise development company that does NOT sell franchises, does NOT ask for equity, and does NOT have any hidden agendas when franchising your business.
The Franchise Maker’s philosophy is that the franchise development process is only worth so much, therefore all services are a low flat fee. Most importantly The Franchise Maker does NOT make money off of your success. Call us directly at 1-877-615-5177 and we will be happy to explain our flat fee program, the packages we offer, explain why we are different and determine if franchising your business is an option for you. GET STARTED!