Typically when you are looking to do business with a new company, the first place you start searching is in your own city or somewhere close to you and within your comfort zone. It’s not often that you are in need of a service where you have to look any further than your own local area. However when it comes to a niche service, such as franchise development, it’s not likely you can simply jump in your car, drive a few miles and walk into the office of a reputable franchise development company (check out our President’s Warning Message about franchising your business what to watch for when talking with companies who claim to offer franchise development services). So you are left with taking your search online. As you are browsing the internet looking for a company that can help franchise your business you may be wondering, “Do I need a local franchise development company to help me”.
Does Distance Matter?
The quick answer is NO! It is not necessary to work only with a local franchise development company to franchise your business because franchising is national. Yep, because franchising is federally regulated, it makes no difference whether the franchise development company is in your backyard or the far corners of the United States (to understand if franchising is state specific take a look at our article “When Establishing a Franchise is it State Specific?”). This means that when working with a franchise development company such as us, The Franchise Maker, to franchise your business you do not need to be too concerned whether or not we are local to you or even in the same state. Regardless of where you are located, using our proprietary processes we will build you a comprehensive franchise program that is attractive and affordable in the marketplace. We work with you from start-to-finish so by the time we are finished, you will be in a position to roll out franchise opportunities all over the United States (see a quick list of the steps we take to franchise your business).
What to Expect When Working with a Distant Franchise Development Company
When building your franchise program you will work directly with our President, who holds your hand every step of the way. Through one-on-one conversations over the phone he will work with you on different small projects that require about one hour of your time each week. It could be less depending on your timeline (to see how long it takes to franchise, take a look at this article “How Much Time to Franchise a Business?”). Our franchise development process is purposely built not distract you from your day-to-day activities of running your business, however you are actively involved in every aspect of building your franchise program. That’s right you are included in the decision-making process. Our proprietary franchise development process leverages technology to make distance irrelevant. Our entire process can all be completed virtually by utilizing the phone and internet. In fact, we have many clients who we have put through our proprietary franchise development process and never met in person. The end result of all the different projects is that it allows us to custom build your franchise program and put together all the elements of your Franchise Disclosure Document (to learn what is in a Franchise Disclosure Document read “What are the Elements of a Franchise Disclosure Document?”). We do not use questionnaires or templates and by the time we are done, your franchise program will be structured in a way that is simple for anyone to understand and easy for you to explain. There is no other company that spends as much time building franchise programs than us.
Who is The Franchise Maker
The Franchise Maker is an award-winning franchise development company (read about us and our history being recognized by the BBB) and the ONLY one in the industry recognized for integrity, ethics and transparency when building franchise programs. All we do is franchise development. We do NOT dilute our services with a bunch of fluff, we do NOT sell franchises, we do NOT take any equity (we are a flat fee for service business, we do NOT make money off your success) and we NEVER cold call or solicit businesses trying to induce them into franchising (check out our article on the topic of being solicited to franchise). We simply provide honest work with NO hidden agendas. The Franchise Maker has real clients and real results. We are and have always been committed to providing efficient and comprehensive franchise development services to businesses all over the United States (take a look at The Franchise Maker’s Mission Statement).
The Franchise Maker provides comprehensive franchise development services which means in addition to performing the work for you, we provide all the professional resources you need that includes but not limited to: trademark attorneys, franchise attorneys, transactional attorneys and accountants all of which are included in your total cost. So, you are never left alone with only part of the process done and wondering where to go next to get these things done. We do not stop there, also at your disposal are graphic designers, franchise qualification training programs, advertising and marketing resources, etc. (see a snapshot of our services beyond franchise documentation).
We have worked with clients in every state and all of our clients will attest that there is no need to be obsessed with having to find a local franchise development company or to be concerned that The Franchise Maker may not be local to you (read for yourself testimonials and what our clients have to say). We are sensitive to the fact that working with a company remotely can be scary and hence have created our franchise development process and our famous Pay-As-You-Go program with that in mind. From the development of your franchise program and beyond, The Franchise Maker is your solution. Give us a call at 1-877-615-5177 and we will be happy to explain further why distance is not a barrier or challenge when working with The Franchise Maker to franchise your business.