It can get confusing when seeking out a company to help you franchise your business. You are bound to come across some companies that claim to want to be in the relationship with you for the long-haul. In other words, these companies are asking for long term commitments when franchising your business with them. Wait a minute, you ask, “All I want is someone to help put together the franchise program and documents needed so I can legally offer franchises. Why am I being asked to jump into a long-term commitment?” Great question you ask. It’s like hiring a contractor to build a home for you. Once the work is completed and the home is built you are done; there is no more relationship. The contractor did what the contractor was hired to do. So why would building a franchise be any different? We don’t think there is any difference, but you’ll be surprised at what you find when looking for a company to help you franchise and the logic used by such companies to justify such a handcuff.
What’s Out There When Looking to Franchise Your Business
You put it out there that you want to franchise your business and all of the sudden everyone wants to sell you something. Yep that’s right, you will get all types of flashy things being thrown at you in an effort to make you think that you need to be married to a company beyond the development of your franchise program (see how to franchise and a simple list of some of the things we do when developing your franchise program). Your head spins. Do you really need all this fancy stuff? Cost measures, financial systems, geometric tracking and other confusing terms that make what is simple all of the sudden complicated. The answer is not just NO it is HELL NO. Let’s explore some of the problems associated with companies asking you for long term commitments when franchising out your business with them.
I Just Want the Work Done
The whole idea of franchising is that you, the business owner who created the business and understands every facet of the business, is the one who manages the franchise program. This means keeping your finger on the pulse with regards to every aspect of franchising. Some companies out there are saying that you can outsource it ALL to them and you can have a hands-off approach to franchising (read why your involvement is required as a franchisor). They say that you don’t need to worry because they will handle managing your whole franchise program. Think about it… this type of outsourcing makes NO sense even from a support standpoint. When someone buys a franchise they expect to receive the ongoing support from the business owner or someone within the business that has operational experience; not some third-party who has been outsourced and does not have any relevant or real world experience in your business (learn about some of the ways you can provide ongoing support and value to your future franchisees). It’s equivalent to calling for technical support and getting someone in India who reads off a script that in most cases goes nowhere. Why put your future franchisees through that grief?
Some of these companies require some form of ownership in your business and will require that they handle all of your franchise sales activities. Wait a minute, awarding franchises is an important aspect to the success of your franchise system. Do you really want to trust this process to someone else who is not part of your business? You built your business yourself and if you are like most business owners, you are proud that you did it all by yourself. So why now even entertain the idea of giving away part ownership of your business when all you really want is the work to be done so that you can offer franchises (check out our article about giving away equity in order to franchise your business)? Would you give your CPA part ownership interest in your business to prepare your taxes? If you are like most business owners the answer is a resounding NO. In our humble opinion, the only ones who should benefit from your successes are future franchisees who pay for it.
Say No to Long Term Commitments
There are no long term commitments when franchising your business with us, The Franchise Maker, and our hands are NOT in your business after our work is done. You are not required to sign any type of five or ten year commitment and we do not take any form of ownership in your business. When working with us we teach you how to be a franchisor and that includes how to think like a franchisor and manage your franchisees. Also as part of our franchise development process we teach you the basics including what you can and cannot say when talking with applicants, some best practices and even suggestions on where to market and advertise. Yep that’s right, we teach you to be self-sufficient. If you like the idea of just getting the work done without any long-term commitments when franchising, then give us a call directly at 1-877-615-5177. We will gladly explain how we do all the work so you can become a franchise for just a one-time flat fee while teaching you how to be self-sufficient.