You want to grow your business and you have decided that franchising is your path. Perhaps when you started your business you did it with the idea of franchising all along. Now you are stuck and wondering, “Who can help me franchise?” You are aware that there are many different pieces required to franchise but do not know where to begin.
What to Look for When Seeking Help to Franchise Your Business
When looking for help to make a franchise for your business it is highly encouraged that you work with a company that manages the entire franchise making process and you are involved every step of the way. But how do you really know who can help you franchise? You are not sure what to expect from a company that makes franchises. As you are doing your due diligence and researching “who can help me franchise” here are some of the things you should be looking for:
- Trademarking services to protect your name and logo on a national level;
- Services to help determine what entity will actually be offering franchises;
- Some type of analysis of franchise businesses like yours and how you are unique;
- Help with structuring your franchise program;
- Someone that will do the work for you, NOT just provide you with questions to fill out;
- An experienced person to help you navigate through complicated franchising terms;
- One-on-one personalized attention by the person who is putting together and writing your franchising program;
- Franchise operations reference guides and materials;
- A connection to experienced franchise attorneys; and
- Compliant, readable and understandable Franchise Disclosure Documents.
This may seem like a lot to get done and a bit overwhelming. When you work with a company whose only focus is making franchises, it is all much easier. At The Franchise Maker we provide you with everything mentioned above and much more (read about what goes into structuring a franchise). Not to mention all we do is make franchises (hence our name, The Franchise Maker). We do not dilute our services with frivolous extras, require you to make long-term commitments or make money off your future success. Our focus is on the entire process of making a franchise out of your business and ultimately getting you approved to legally start offering franchises nationwide. You work directly with our President who takes you through each step, holding your hand along the way. In other words you get one dedicated person to work on your franchising process and are never shuffled between different people.
True Franchise Developers
It is unrealistic to expect that you have already defined your franchise program. Our job as true franchise developers is to build it with you. We start by looking at your business from an outsider’s perspective. Our President wraps his head around your business to fully understand it. This will help determine how to best position your business as a franchise. He has worked with hundreds of businesses in different industries. This includes everything from service-based to retail businesses and even more complicated professional service businesses (see this article to get an idea of all the different types of businesses we have franchised). Our President is obsessed with your success and always has your best interest in mind. We have NO hidden agendas, NO games, NO gimmicks and the bottom line is we do honest work for a flat fee (learn about some of the latest scams and gimmicks to franchise your business).
It’s About More Than Just Documents
At The Franchise Maker our philosophy is that when it comes to franchising your business it is not all about documents. So much more goes into preparing you to enter the world of being a franchisor than just a set of documents. This means that when working with us to help you franchise, in addition to the bullet points mentioned above, we will:
- Teach you how to be a franchisor, how to think like a franchisor and how to act like a franchisor;
- Explain different concepts, regulations and requirements as they pertain to franchising;
- Provide real world examples when explaining franchise terms so you fully understand;
- Share with you franchise industry standards and best practices to help you award franchises quickly;
- Identify ways of how to avoid getting in trouble when franchising;
- Discuss all the options you have when making decisions about your franchise program and how they will affect you in the future;
- Teach you how to explain your franchise program and answer questions from applicants later; and
- Much more.
Your Franchising Solution
Quite honestly this is just the tip of the iceberg of what we do when helping you franchise (read for yourself what our clients are saying). So if your question is “who can help me franchise” your answer is The Franchise Maker. We encourage you to read our website and our President’s Warning Message when franchising your business. Call us anytime at 1-877-615-5177. We welcome any conversation to discuss franchising. Let’s talk about your business and how we make the franchising process Quick, Easy and Affordable.